
Here is an assortment of other creative things I do for fun. :-)

3D modeling

Recently, I've been playing around with Cinema 4D Lite and Blender~


I've made a couple games now. They're not very sophisticated, but I enjoy them still. :-)

A screencap of the game BRUCE

BRUCE is a game I made with a friend about her dog, Bruce. The player has to help find all of Bruce's toys to help him feel less sad!

This game was made with the JavaScript game engine Replay.

A screencap of the game Snail takes a walk.

Snail takes a walk. is a small game about friendship and how it makes the world feel better.

This game was made with the game editor Bitsy.

Fun fact: the music was an output from a neural net trained on classic video game music that I helped make for a school group project. ♬♩♬♩

creative coding

These are just small doodles with code. ✿ ❀ ✿

An interactive turtle made with Zdog (source)
A flower "clock" made with p5.js (source)